Once More Before They Die
the only one left riding-
his horse was mortally wounded
but faithful even so
Haskell, mounted, was wounded
-but slightly-
the 71st Pennsylvania was reforming
or at least regrouping,
on the relatively safe side of
Cemetery Ridge
behind the 72nd
Haskell rode towards these boys
from his mount he could see
the stone wall
they were the first to retreat
they should be the first to charge
speaking, 'Major, lead your men
over the crest, they will follow'
was it cowardice?
after all, these boys bore
more than black eyes
and bloody noses
or was it exhaustion?
whichever, he could
do little more,
'by tactics,' the Major reasoned,
'i understand my place is in the
rear of the men'
Haskell's frustration leaked well
through sarcasm:
'your pardon, sir; i see your place
is in the rear of the men.
i thought you were fit to lead.'
this was second nature,
instinct now dictated
through Haskell:
'Captain Suplee, come on with your men.'
and now was it cowardice
for Suplee to be mindful of
friendly fire from the rear?
'we shall be hit by our own men'
again, instinct, piercing
with the need for those poor leaderless boys
growing with every passing
pounding heartbeat
there was no time now
for courtesy of compliments
but without blood rising,
'Let us take care of this in front first'
Haskell, running out of officers
turned to the color bearer,
a sergeant of the 72nd
also stunned by the force of the
rebel charge
six men before this sergeant had
fallen baring the colors
the flag staff itself was
but a splintered stump
a bullet had smashed its
way through it
enroute to one of the six
'Sergeant, forward with your color!
let the rebels see it close once more
before they die!'
the color sergeant, gripping to the smashed
stump of the national colors with his life
both hands now,
madly waving
ran wildly charging toward the wall
maybe he shouted, screamed
blood curdling hot rage
this one man assault
Haskell must have been touched
such valor!
one man
but he would not plead
'Will you let your color storm the
wall alone?'
what should have happened upon
the regimental heart
took place individually
one man, rifle at the ready
bolted towards the wall
following his color
it would not storm alone!
how absurd this must have looked
the colors charging smoke and bullets
and blood and men dying, screaming
and one man faithfully following
a shot,
but indistinguishable from any of the
countless others
and the colors fall
the brave sergeant with them
staining the ground
and bringing a deeper
red to his flag
regimentally it was time
something snapped
up and without orders
the once statue like soldiers
spring in a spontaneous
'a strange resistless impulse'
charging endlessly to meet the enemy
to flash, hot so close
even burning clothes,
hair, bodies
degenerating into a
bloody street brawl
when bullets were not enough
rocks and rifle butts
clubbing and stabbing
to bare-fisted pounding
it seemed to hang
in the beating sun
a constant storm
amalgamation churning
to hold one stone wall