Looking on Iverson's Pits
Even in summer
with tall brown grasses
You can see the marker
"The advance of the 88th"
When I first saw it from here
I thought it might be to commemorate
Iverson's Brigade
You can see the path
even in summer
And you question again
if you really feel right
in walking it
Maybe it's the contour of the land
But it does slope down
(like a pit)
Like the earth swallowed them whole
She swallowed 200
they were swallowed in rows
As they formed
As they marched
As they died
(hardly time to fight)
Laid to rest by friends
Who survived
but never recovered
they told of how it ran
in rivulets
I can't picture this
and I don't really want to
when I look on this field
I level blood with tears